Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ice Cake


da bell wen ring
backpacks on,
slippah's on da hands,
nuttin' on our feet

we wen race behind da buildings
cut behind da office
down da rainbow color lanai
tru da ti leaf and red ginger
to da cafeteria
as fass as we can
cuz we wuz hoping for
da moss rarest treasure of all times...

Da Chocolate Ice Cake!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tree an' in Love

Small kid time
Had only Tree tings I truly loved:
my red rubber boots,
my scoop net,
and ice cream

when i was about tree
I wen love ice cream so much
I wen wake up suppa early
befoa everybody else ( bumbye I get caught )
an' i wen pull my little red chair
all da way across da kitchen floor
in front of da ice box
foa get to da ice cream

I wen love ice cream so much
I wen sit in front of da tv
stay watching cartoons
an' i wen wack one whole half gallon by myself

my love affair wit ice cream
was so frickin' intents
my fadda had fo' put one lock
ontop da freeza...

cuz i was Tree
an' in Love.

Saturday Morning Spam & Eggs

Sweet dreams...cut short
by da aromatic alarm clock
das wafting in tru my room
an' da familiar crackle and pop
of da frying pan

I roll ova ontop my back
wipe da makapi'api'a
an' jump outta bed,
racing into da kitchen
cuz get Saturday Morning Spam & Eggs!

Pidgin - English Translations

Bumbye - Sooner or later

as in: I goin' come ova dea bumbye

K den - Farewell

as in: Hui braddah, i stay goin'. K den.

Shoots - Yes ( in agreement )

as in: Wot, you like go beach?

Da Kine - Whatchamacallit

as in: Eh! Your bradda dem's house stay by... Da kine?


take me by the hand
give me a mirror
so i can watch myself sink
no fight
amused by my apathy
solace in the instability
comfort in the fragility
refuge in the inconsistency
mocking myself merrily
happily descending
into peaceful plunder

Dining with Emotions

Swallowed my heartache
drank away my guilt
consumed my insecurities
devoured my inhibition

savored the tears
choked on the joy
sipped happiness
doggie-bagged fear

nibbled on forever
wet my appetite for love
re-fill of infatuation
shot of sincerity

parched for honesty
chugged hope
sent certainty back
another round, please


moments frozen in time
hold more lies
than the truth of everchanging lovers

black and white
smiles and laughter
stare mockingly
jeering in contempt

Episodes parade across my mental television
Re-runs of raw emotion
Fists, Kisses, and Embraces

who we were
not who we are
merely memories for better or worse

sweet retribution
and dance

Friday, March 18, 2011

Snack Time

small kid time
snack time was always da bessesses
all us guys wen sit on top da lanai
and buss out wateva our madda wen pack us

but I was always confuse
cuz my madda usually wen pack me oatmeal cookies or one granola bar
but dem guys madda's
wen pack dem kakimochi, hurricane mix, or nori

i neva did understand how come my snack was so junk
nobody eva like trade snack wit me

some guys even had plenny snacks
dey would trade fo' da odda guys one
but mines was junk
so dey neva trade me

one time nick tomita wanted fo' trade wit me
one pack nori for one granola bar
I neva had nori befoa, but all dem guys had
so i wanted fo' try em

i wen open da wrappa, all excited
but wen i wen try em, i wen spit em out
so nasty i thought
and everybody wen laught at me

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dis Yea' goin' be One Good Yea' cuz...

Stoked on one new year
get choke inspiration fo' do plenny stuffs
I feel like i get one fresh start
Imua...move forward

Dis yea' going be one good yea' cuz
I get choke friends for cruise wit
Dis yea' goin' be one good yea' cuz
I goin' take time fo' do stuffs i neva do long time

I goin' surf moa
I goin' grind ono kine grindz
i goin' write moa
and I goin' meet plenny new pepo

Dis yea' goin' be one good yea' cuz
I goin' listen, dance, and sing
Dis yea goin' be one good yea' cuz
I goin' meditate and stop fo' smell da plumeria's

I goin' write
I goin' dream
I goin' change
I goin'...stay goin'....go